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100 Best Expository Essay Topics for You

choose expository essay topic

An expository essay is an easy type of essay writing. Students who find it difficult are yet to understand the concept of exposition. It is a type of essay where you are expected to expose your reader to something, not necessarily things they have not heard about before. The essay features a description, comparison, causes and effects of a thing or a situation.

If well understood, an expository essay can be as easy as falling off a lot. As such, you can earn A’s and boost your academic performance. This type of essay writing is prevalent in high schools and colleges. To make things easy for you, our expert writers have compiled a handful of topics for an expository essay you can consider.  


Good Expository Essay Topics on Education

Education, they say, is the best legacy. However, there are different opinions as regards what education should be like. You can express your concern on an educational-related topic by writing an expository essay. If you are looking for an example of essay topics, you will find one below;

  1. Exposition on traditional schooling versus online schooling.
  2. The importance of a high degree in securing a good job.
  3. The importance of homework and its effects on students’ academic performance.
  4. What is the difference between literate and illiterate people?
  5. What are the impacts of education on the future?
  6. Learning foreign languages and their benefits.
  7. Exposition on why teaching is truly a noble profession.
  8. What is the influence of education on the human mind?
  9. How to choose the cause and effect topic.
  10. How to write an essay on any compare and contrast topic.


Funny Expository Essay Topics

Exposition majorly entails your personal opinion or experience. Sometimes, the best expository essays are the ones with funny topics. It is a trusted way to get your reader hooked on your essay. Here are good examples of expository essay topics you can choose from;

  1. Lying and why it is prevalent among children nowadays.
  2. Exposition on the wrongs of the human species.
  3. Signs of a money-hungry fellow.
  4. How do being hungry and being lonely relate?
  5. What is a double standard, and what is your opinion of it?
  6. What is the best way to take care of oneself?
  7. How does technology affect human relationships?
  8. Not voting in the election and its effect on society.
  9. Exposition on how human memory and the brain work.
  10. Exposition on how life on the moon would be and the cost implication.


Middle School Expository Essay Topics

Middle school students have always learned to build their essay writing ability using expository essays. Being a simple form of essay writing, students can develop extraordinary writing abilities through it. Below are middle school topics for an expository essay writing;

  1. Describe your experience on your first day at school.
  2. What is your favorite vacation place, and why do you love it?
  3. Exposition on your first work experience and what you learned in the place.
  4. What is your best pet, and what is living with it like?
  5. What is your favorite hobby?
  6. What is your favorite school subject, and why is it?
  7. Who is your first teacher, and what are the things you remember about the person?
  8. Exposition on your favorite sibling and the experience of growing up with the person.
  9. Expository essay on the meaning of true friendship.
  10. Expository essay on the personality of someone who has helped you become a better person.


Interesting Expository Essay Topics

You may not necessarily write an exposition about things of your own opinion. An expository essay can be interesting when you write about a popular area of interest. You’ll also have an interesting time writing such an essay, and they seem to be the easiest ones. You can choose an interesting expository essay topic from the following;

  1. Space exploration and what have been its benefits on this planet?
  2. Importance of mental health and why it must be given utmost priority.
  3. Expository essay on the prevailing global consequences of World War II.
  4. The study of the human brain and the recent developments achieved.
  5. Depression and how it can be avoided.
  6. What are black holes, and what do recent studies reveal about them?
  7. Basic IT knowledge and what is the importance of acquiring it?
  8. The French revolution and its effect on the affected countries.
  9. Cold feet and how to deal with it.
  10. What are the effects of social media on a particular course of study?


Expository Essay Topics for High School

High school students write more expository essay topics than any other type. Coming behind it is the argumentative essay. As a high school student, writing exposition is the best way to prepare for college. For your high school essay writing, you can choose a topic for an expository essay from any of the following;

  1. Acceptable level of sadness and extreme levels.
  2. How do a dog smell and sense fear?
  3. Reading a book before watching a movie or the other way round?
  4. Do aliens really exist?
  5. Essay on why people change with time.
  6. Expository essay on your knowledge of the universe.
  7. Developing our imagination and the importance of doing it.
  8. How does working as a high school student affect your learning?
  9. Your first day at high school and what were your expectations and experience?
  10. Happiness and how it can be measured.


College Expository Essay Topics

An expository essay is a popular assignment in college. As a college student, you must display your understanding of certain concepts through essay writing, especially through exposition. Your English and Grammar test can also be evaluated using the expository essay writing. Here are expository essay topic ideas for college students;

  1. Exposition on the positive and negative effects of the internet on students.
  2. Saving our planet, and what are the steps necessary to be taken?
  3. Benefits of social media on business and marketing.
  4. What type of book are you interested in reading and why?
  5. Bullying across all levels of education and how it can be dealt with.
  6. Expository essay on the advancement in communication in the space of the last two decades.
  7. Expression of one’s emotion and why it is helpful.
  8. How to rightly admire your favorite person.
  9. Essay on what to do to make people happy in your immediate environment.
  10. Tackling financial problems and what to put into practice.


Easy Expository Essay Topics

The complexity of your exposition depends on the topic you have chosen. If you choose to write on scientific and technical topics, that could be a little difficult. Nonetheless, there are easy topics cut across different disciplines for exposition. Here are the best expository essay topics for easy essay writing;

  1. Identifying the difference between psychiatry and psychology.
  2. Is bibliophobia a mental disorder or a Psychology imbalance?
  3. Expository essay on the functions of the right and left sides of the brain.
  4. Essay on the human search for extraterrestrial life and the progress so far.
  5. What are personality developments and the stages involved?
  6. Mental evaluation of heroic people and their implications.
  7. What are the implications of newspaper invention?
  8. Essay on the changes in communication due to the invention of technology.
  9. What is the significance of technology in the United States of America’s history?
  10. The United States of America and the period of the great depression.


Compare And Contrast Expository Essay Topics

Comparing and contrasting is a prevalent action in expository essay writing. It is a type of essay where you differentiate two things from each other. This act is done by identifying both their similarities and differences to enable someone spot the differences easily. Here is a list of expository essay topics for compare and contrast writing;

  1. Comparing and contrasting the iOS operating system and Android operating system.
  2. Comparing and contrasting e-learning and classroom learning.
  3. Comparing and contrasting public college and private college.
  4. Comparing and contrasting e-books and textbooks.
  5. Comparing and contrasting economic growth and political unrest in the United States.
  6. Comparing and contrasting the presidential system of governance and the parliamentary system.
  7. Comparing and contrasting capitalism and communism.
  8. Comparing and contrasting research paper writing and creative writing.
  9. Comparing and contrasting reading in your room and visiting a library.
  10. Comparing and contrasting working in a startup and working in a corporate organization.


Good Topics for Expository Essay 

Expositions can be done on all kinds of topics. It is essential you expose your reader to your opinion on a subject, your personal experience, or any other related topics. The expository essay can therefore cut across different aspects. Here are good topics to write an expository essay on;

  1. Expository essay on the study to cure cancer and the development so far.
  2. Essay on the rate of increase in the number of people with allergies.
  3. What factors are responsible for the increase in the rate of depression?
  4. Essay on the long-term effects and the solutions to global warming.
  5. Essay on the effect of the reign of Queen Victoria.
  6. Explaining the important role astronomers played in ancient Greece.
  7. The invention of the first newspaper and what was the reaction?
  8. Exposition on why people must consider using solar energy.
  9. The impending danger of military activities in Eastern Asia.
  10. Identifying the precursors of the civil war.


Controversial Topics for Expository Essay

There are controversial issues that can be addressed using expository writing. This allows you to explain your opinion and possibly get your reader to see from your point of view. Here are controversial topics for expository essays;

  1. The need for communism in certain countries.
  2. Are the crusaders villains or heroes?
  3. Causes and effects of 1920 Nationwide prohibition.
  4. Why negotiation is important in military operations.
  5. Mental disorder treatment and the involved practices.
  6. What are the attributes of a good psychotherapist?
  7. Racism and its psychological implications.
  8. Does IQ score reflect one’s mental capacity?
  9. The political influence of John Kennedy and the controversies surrounding it.
  10. Does music truly heal the soul?



An expository essay is an easy form of essay writing; it involves exposition by explaining, describing, comparing, and contrasting. Sometimes, it involves identifying the cause and effect of a particular topic. It is important to choose the best topic for your essay writing. This piece provides you with the 100 best expository essays you can consider.

Perhaps you have some questions to ask about your expository essay; you can reach out to us. Our expert essay writers will offer you the professional help needed to get you the best grade in your essay writing. We also offer essay writing and other academic writing services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 famous examples of expository writing?
The three famous examples of expository writing are: scientific reports, descriptive essays, and comparative analyses. Remember that expository writing should be clear and persuasive. Ensure that you do not leave anything for the assumption.
What are some of the great and uncommon expository essays?
Here are some examples of great and uncommon expository essays you can use: Should the government offer all schools the same amount of money? A look at how science can help people live longer and better; In what ways have attitudes on mental illness changed over the years?

Alexa Donne is an exceptional online writer who is skilled and passionate about her work. She creates high-quality content that captivates the readers’ attention and ensures you get the best grade in your research papers and essays.

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