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195 Top Racism Essay Topics for Excellent Essays

racism is a pandemic sign

Racism is an insidious and pervasive issue that has plagued societies for centuries, causing deep-rooted division, discrimination, and injustice.

Whether it takes the form of overt acts of violence and hatred or subtle, systemic biases and prejudices, the effects of racism can be felt in every aspect of our lives. From education and employment to healthcare and housing, race plays a significant role in determining our opportunities and experiences.

Now since racism issues are quite complex, you may need help selecting a good title for racism essay. Join us as we explore some current race topics to write about, affecting individuals and communities at large.

Top Essay Topics on Racism in US

In the United States, racism has been a pervasive and enduring problem, affecting marginalized communities and perpetuating inequality. These essay on racial inequality explores the history, impact, and intersectionality of racism with other forms of oppression.

  1. The History and Evolution of Racism in the United States.
  2. The intersectionality of racism with other forms of oppression, such as sexism and homophobia
  3. The role of systemic racism in perpetuating inequality in education, healthcare, and other institutions
  4. The Impact of racial profiling and police brutality on Black and Brown communities
  5. The Portrayal of Race in the Media and its impact on public perception
  6. The impact of COVID-19 on racism and discrimination towards Asian Americans
  7. The Experiences of biracial individuals navigating racism and Identity in the US
  8. The Impact of Gentrification and urban renewal on Communities of Color
  9. The role of cultural appropriation in perpetuating racial stereotypes and erasing cultural identities
  10. The impact of racist policies, such as the War on Drugs, on communities of color
  11. The Relationship between Race and socioeconomic status in the US
  12. The impact of racial disparities in the criminal justice system on communities of color
  13. The Role of Allyship and Activism in combating racism in the US.
  14. The effectiveness of Affirmative action policies in combating Racism
  15. The impact of racism on marginalized communities in the US

Top Social Media and Racism Research Paper Topics

Social media has become a powerful tool for communication and social interaction, but it has also been used to perpetuate racist ideologies and hate speech. These essay on racism today examines the impact of social media on racism.

  1. The role of social media in perpetuating racist ideologies and hate speech.
  2. The impact of social media algorithms on the spread of racist content.
  3. An analysis of how social media companies have responded to racism on their platforms.
  4. The impact of social media on the formation of racial identity and self-concept.
  5. An examination of the experiences of Black social media users and how they navigate racism online.
  6. The role of social media in facilitating and disrupting allyship and antiracism work.
  7. A study of how social media can promote racial justice and equity.
  8. An analysis of how social media platforms amplify the voices of marginalised communities.
  9. The intersection of social media, racism, and political polarisation.
  10. The impact of social media on the racial attitudes and beliefs of young people.
  11. A study of how social media companies can be held accountable for the spread of racist content.
  12. An examination of how social media can be used to challenge and disrupt systemic racism.
  13. A comparative analysis of racist discourse on Twitter and Facebook.
  14. A study of the relationship between online hate speech and offline hate crimes.
  15. The relationship between social media use and perceived discrimination.

Good Racism Topics for Essay Thesis

Racism remains a pervasive issue in modern society, affecting institutions and individuals across various spheres. These thesis on racism explores the history and impact of institutional racism.

  1. The history and impact of institutional racism in the United States.
  2. The Role of Race in the criminal justice system.
  3. The effects of microaggressions on marginalized groups.
  4. The intersection of race and education.
  5. The relationship between race and healthcare disparities.
  6. The impact of race on housing and neighbourhood segregation.
  7. The role of race in employment discrimination.
  8. The Intersection of Race and Gender in systemic oppression.
  9. The impact of white privilege and allyship in anti-racism work.
  10. The historical and ongoing effects of colonization on Indigenous peoples.
  11. The effects of racism on mental health and well-being.
  12. The role of social media in perpetuating or combating racism.
  13. The psychological effects of racism on individuals and communities.
  14. The impact of racist rhetoric in politics.
  15. The portrayal of race in the media and its impact on society.

Top 15 Argumentative Essay Topics About Race

These argumentative essay topics on racism delve into the effects of systemic racism on communities of color and the need for reform in the criminal justice system:

  1. The impact of systemic racism on the Black community in America.
  2. Racial profiling and discrimination in law enforcement.
  3. The significance of affirmative action policies in promoting diversity and equal opportunity.
  4. The controversy surrounding race-based admissions in higher education.
  5. The Role of Media in shaping public perception of Race and Ethnicity.
  6. The implications of race-based hate crimes and their impact on society.
  7. The role of race in the criminal justice system and the need for reform.
  8. The effects of racial segregation on communities and individuals.
  9. The impact of race and ethnicity on healthcare disparities.
  10. The role of education in addressing racial inequalities and promoting diversity.
  11. The impact of racism on mental health and well-being.
  12. The importance of acknowledging and addressing historical injustices related to race.
  13. The effects of cultural appropriation on marginalized communities.
  14. The intersectionality of race and gender and how it affects social and political issues.
  15. The impact of immigration policies on racial and ethnic minorities.

Excellent Injustice Essay Topics

These racism topics for essay delve into the various forms of social and economic oppression that persist in today’s world. From systemic racism to income inequality and the criminalization of poverty, these topics shed light on the ongoing struggle for social justice and equality.

  1. The impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities.
  2. The effects of income inequality on social mobility.
  3. The mistreatment of migrant workers and immigrants.
  4. The persistence of gender inequality in the workplace.
  5. The exploitation of low-wage workers in the gig economy.
  6. The systemic oppression of indigenous communities.
  7. The criminalization of poverty and homelessness.
  8. The discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.
  9. The exploitation of natural resources in developing countries.
  10. The unequal distribution of healthcare resources.
  11. The violation of privacy and civil liberties by governments and corporations.
  12. The marginalization of religious and ethnic minorities.
  13. The denial of basic human rights to people with disabilities.
  14. The disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable communities.
  15. The unjust treatment of minority groups in the criminal justice system.

Good Racism Persuasive Essay Topics

These top racism thesis topics explore the impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities:

  1. The Impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities
  2. The importance of education in combating racism
  3. The role of media in perpetuating racist stereotypes
  4. The need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  5. The consequences of police brutality on communities of color
  6. The Role of the criminal justice system in perpetuating racism
  7. The need for reparations to address the harm caused by racism
  8. The Impact of racial discrimination on mental health
  9. The need for anti-racism policies and practices in schools
  10. The effects of white privilege and how it perpetuates racism
  11. The importance of allyship in combating racism
  12. The intersectionality of racism with other forms of oppression, such as sexism and homophobia.
  13. The consequences of police brutality on communities of color
  14. The importance of acknowledging and learning from past racist actions
  15. The impact of cultural appropriation on marginalized groups

Top Racism Informative Essay Topics

These essay on racial inequality covers a broad range of issues, from the history and causes of racism to the effects of microaggressions and colorism:

  1. The Role of Education in fighting racism
  2. The Impact of Racism on mental health
  3. Racial profiling and its negative effects on communities of color
  4. The effects of microaggressions on people of color
  5. Systemic racism in the criminal justice system
  6. The impact of the media on the perpetuation of racism
  7. The impact of racism on economic inequality
  8. The effects of colorism on people of color
  9. The Impact of Racism on healthcare access and Outcomes
  10. The Impact of Racism on political participation and Representation
  11. The Impact of Racism on environmental justice
  12. The effectiveness of anti-racist policies and initiatives.
  13. The History of Racism in America: Causes and Effects
  14. The Intersectionality of race and gender discrimination
  15. The Impact of Colonialism on Racism in former colonies

15 Short Essay Topics Racism

Exploring the complex and pervasive issue of racism, these short racism essay topics cover history, psychology, media, education, allyship, and more. Each topic sheds light on the different facets of this pressing social issue.

  1. The history of systemic racism in America and its current impact on communities of color.
  2. The psychological effects of experiencing racism on individuals and communities.
  3. How media and entertainment perpetuate racist stereotypes and biases.
  4. The role of education in combating racism and promoting diversity and inclusion.
  5. The intersectionality of racism with other forms of discrimination, such as sexism or homophobia.
  6. The impact of police brutality and systemic racism on Black and Brown communities in America.
  7. The history and current state of white privilege and its effects on society.
  8. The impact of racist policies, such as redlining or voter suppression, on communities of color.
  9. The role of allyship in combating racism and promoting racial justice.
  10. The impact of racism on mental health and access to healthcare for marginalized communities.
  11. How technology and social media perpetuate and combat racism in society.
  12. The potential solutions to combating racism and promoting a more equitable and just society.
  13. The impact of racist language and microaggressions on individuals and communities.
  14. The history and legacy of colonialism and its impact on global systems of power and privilege.
  15. How international communities address racism in different parts of the world.

Good Cause and Effect Essay Racism Topics

Racism has far-reaching consequences on society, impacting income, education, and health outcomes. These causes and effects thesis about racism helps better understand how it perpetuates inequality and works towards creating a more just and equitable society.

  1. The Impact of systemic racism on income inequality in the United States
  2. The Effects of racial profiling on the Relationship between Police and minority communities
  3. The Causes and Effects of the school-to-prison Pipeline on Black and brown students
  4. The Impact of racial stereotypes on job opportunities and career advancement
  5. The Effects of Redlining on the racial wealth gap in America
  6. The Causes and Effects of cultural appropriation and its impact on marginalized communities
  7. The impact of racist language in media and its effects on social attitudes and behaviors
  8. The Causes and Effects of environmental racism on minority communities
  9. The Impact of implicit bias on workplace diversity and Inclusion
  10. The effects of racial disparities in healthcare on health outcomes for people of color
  11. The impact of racial disparities in access to education on academic achievement
  12. The effects of the “tough on crime” mentality on the disproportionate incarceration of people of color
  13. The causes and effects of the racial wealth gap on social mobility and economic stability
  14. The causes and effects of the model minority myth on Asian Americans and other marginalized groups
  15. The effects of the war on drugs on communities of color and the criminal justice system

Excellent Racism in Sports Essay Topics

Sports are a unifying force that brings people from diverse backgrounds together. However, racism in sports has been a persistent issue for many years. These research paper on racism cover a wide range of issues, from racist mascots to biased officiating and from cultural appropriation to the impact on mental health:

  1. The History and Impact of racist sports mascots in the United States
  2. The Impact of racial bias on sports officiating and player recruitment
  3. The role of athletes in challenging racism and promoting social justice in sports
  4. The influence of media and commentary on the perpetuation of racial stereotypes in sports
  5. The history of segregation and discrimination in sports and its lasting effects on athletes and communities
  6. The role of sports in fostering racial and cultural unity and understanding
  7. The impact of social media and technology on the exposure and response to racist incidents in sports
  8. The effects of cultural appropriation and fetishization in sports on marginalized groups
  9. The racial disparities in sports fandom and fan culture
  10. The impact of racism on the mental health and well-being of athletes of color
  11. The role of international sports organizations in addressing and combating racism in sports
  12. The impact of racist policies and practices on the accessibility and affordability of sports for marginalized communities
  13. The intersections of race, gender, and sexuality in sports and their impact on athletes’ experiences
  14. The potential solutions and strategies for addressing and combating racism in sports at all levels.
  15. The racial disparities in sports ownership and leadership positions

Racism in Brazil Essay Topics

Racism in Brazil is a complex and deeply rooted issue that affects many aspects of society. These racism essays explore the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of racism in Brazil, examining its impact on individuals, communities, and the broader society.

  1. The historical roots of racism in Brazil: A critical analysis Intersectionality and racism in Brazil
  2. An Examination of the Experiences of Afro-Brazilian Women
  3. The Impact of Media on shaping perceptions of Race in Brazil
  4. The Role of Education in combating racism in Brazil
  5. The relationship between poverty and racism in Brazil: An exploration of the linkages
  6. The Effects of affirmative action policies on reducing racial inequality in Brazil
  7. The underrepresentation of Afro-Brazilians in positions of power: A case study of the political system
  8. The Impact of police violence on Afro-Brazilian Communities
  9. The challenges and successes of Afro-Brazilian activism and social movements in combating racism
  10. The cultural appropriation of Afro-Brazilian Traditions and Its Impact on racial stereotypes
  11. The intersection of race and gender in Brazilian society: An analysis of the experiences of trans-Afro-Brazilians
  12. The impact of globalization on racism in Brazil: An analysis of the influence of international actors and institutions.
  13. The relationship between racism and the environment in Brazil: An analysis of environmental racism
  14. The portrayal of race in Brazilian literature: An analysis of the works of Afro-Brazilian authors
  15. The Influence of Colonialism on race relations in Brazil

15 Essay Topics about the Power and Space of Racism

These essays about racism explore the power and space of racism in various contexts, from the impact of historical legacies on present-day inequalities to the intersectionality of racism and gender:

  1. The Historical Roots of Racism and the Use of Power in the Colonization of Indigenous People’s Land
  2. The Role of Spatial Segregation in Reinforcing Racial Inequality in Urban Spaces
  3. The Intersection of Racism, Power, and Immigration Policy in the United States
  4. The Power Dynamics of Racism and the Criminal Justice System: Examining Police Brutality and Mass Incarceration
  5. The Role of Racism and Power in Education: Addressing the Achievement Gap
  6. The Impact of Redlining and Racially Biased Housing Policies on Communities of Color
  7. The Power of Racism and Stereotyping in Media Representation: Examining the Portrayal of Black Women in Popular Culture
  8. The Relationship Between Racism, Power, and Healthcare Disparities: Addressing Racial Health Inequities
  9. The Role of Racism and Power in Environmental Justice: Examining the Effects of Toxic Waste and Pollution on Communities of Color
  10. The Role of White Privilege in Perpetuating Systemic Racism and Power Dynamics
  11. The Intersection of Racism, Power, and Gender: Examining the Experiences of Black Women in the Workplace
  12. The Role of Racism and Power in Sport: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Athletic Spaces
  13. The Power Dynamics of Racism and International Relations: Addressing Neocolonialism and Global Inequality
  14. The Historical Legacy of Racism and Power in the United States: Examining the Effects of Slavery and Jim Crow
  15. The Power Dynamics of Racism and Political Representation: Examining Voting Rights and Political Participation


Essays about racial discrimination can be a sensitive and complex topic that requires a lot of research and analysis.

However, with the help of a reliable writing service, you can get expert guidance and support to write an exceptional racism essay that is well-researched, structured and thought-provoking.

So, if you need assistance writing an essay on racism, do not hesitate to seek help. With their service, you can rest assured that your racism essays will be well-crafted, articulate and impactful.

Alexa Donne is an exceptional online writer who is skilled and passionate about her work. She creates high-quality content that captivates the readers’ attention and ensures you get the best grade in your research papers and essays.

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