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C++ Project Ideas

C++ Project Ideas

Learning the C++ language is efficient when you build a few practice projects. Although there is no perfect way to acquire skills, working on projects aids rapid development. One problem most people face while learning is picking their first C++ project. C++ is one of the most direct extensions of the C programming language and provides programmers with reasonable control over their memory and system resources. It is helpful for quick practice and projects. The programming language is common among beginner and advanced coders.


What are C++ Projects?

C++ is an advanced model of the C language prototype. It was designed with the main aim of increasing the depth of the already numerous C languages. These projects on the internet can help a beginner understand the basic concepts of the C++ programming language.

 What are C++ Projects for Beginners?

It is not a surprise that many newcomers in the programming world are trying hard to learn C++ as their first programming language. They find joy in standard programs like file handling and data systems, pointers and arrays, etc.

The problem is how to develop all these programs into more meaningful programs like application mini-games. Here are five C++ projects ideas for beginners.

  • Bookshop Management System

Your design is a simple application where users display, add, enhance, and delete book records. You should design the application in a way that makes it easy to purchase books online. You should include some graphics.

  • Traffic Management System.

This particular project idea is good to assist newcomers in practicing their skill sets. Since people everywhere rely on traffic management systems to move around, you can create safety features, automate sensors’ signals, and help users move around quicker and safer.

  • Banking Record System

What you need to do here is to use the file handling system in C++ to build a simple application. The record system is also known as a database project in C++. With this project, you can learn how to edit, add, delete, search, and adjust different records in the file.

  • Bus Reservation System

The idea here is to create a program that will allow users to reserve bus seats, receive information about available buses, download bus information, and display bus reservation information. Beginners can create objects and classes in their C++ beginner projects.

  • Phonebook Management System

There are nice file handling features to learn from this simple application. The features include searching, adding, deleting, listing, and modifying. You should build this project in a way that allows users to locate new phone records, delete phone records, add new phone records, display existing records.

Best Intermediate C++ Projects

Do you have prior experience with C++, and you’re ready to upgrade your programming skills? The following are five intermediate cool C++  projects to help you.

  • Credit Card Validator

If you aim to advance in e-commerce applications, this C++ project is perfect. The application runs by using the Luhn Algorithm to build a program that will allow users to validate their credit cards. The Luhn Algorithm provides the program with input validation features and works perfectly with Amex, MasterCard, Visa, etc. You must have already practiced machine learning, programming, artificial intelligence to succeed with this project.

  • Music Store Management

The music store management application allows users to monitor and manage different musical items. You can build the application to add music to the file, arrange musical details, calculate music costs, and edit music information. Skills needed include database programming, MYSQL, and programming.

  • Contact Management System

Programmers can also practice their C++ intermediate skills with Contact Management Systems. This project will teach you structuring and central data handling. Upon completion, the application will look like a telephone directory application. You can have features like add contact information, delete contact information, add the email address, and add new contacts. You must have experience in database programming to design this program.

  • Trading Application Project

This project will make it easy to monitor the online trading platforms and stock exchange. With the C++ programming project, you can design trading platforms necessary for processing high data volumes. The project allows you to add features like status check, advisory section, and comment section. It would help if you had experience in Machine Learning, Database Programming, and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Face Detection Application

This application is an artificial intelligence-based computer technology that allows users to search and identify human faces. The project process includes designing a program that recognizes human faces and tracks them. It also involves the implementation of pre-trained XML classifiers with facial features built-in to complete the task.

 Advanced C++ Project Ideas

Advanced C++ projects are specially constructed for programmers to take their game to the expert level. These sets of projects require high-level skills and broader scope. Below are five advanced C++ projects.

  • Bike Race Game

This game project is an application that allows programmers to practice C++ programming and SDL features. The game’s source code can be easily understood and operated by programmers. This project will help you upgrade your scope of commands, structures, syntax, file handling in C++, and functions. The SDL features will allow you to create user-friendly features.

  • Payroll Management System

The concept here is to create a mini-application that allows for wages and salaries to be paid online. This project comes with a lot of exciting and cool features. Features that must be added include modification of employee, print employee salary slip, the addition of new employee, delete employee record, and so on. You do not include graphics for this project.

  • Academic Search Engine

This app is a C++ project for students. The academic search engine project was designed to give important information and records to academic institutions. You must be worth the QT design tool on any model of Linux platform. The project works exactly like the famous academic search engines. It allows students to look up any information using titles and keywords. You will understand numerous search modes, project organization, and memory management.

  • 3D Bounce Ball Game

This 3D bounce game is a flexible gaming project and provides a good illustration of C++ programming and the Open Graphics Library. The source code for this game is outlined in the project, meaning that it contains different C++ files with specific user-defined header and functions. Class.CPP and main.CPP are examples of C++ files in the gaming project.

  • Hotel Booking System

This project is a simple application with a user-friendly system that involves a centralized database programming process. The program has multiple functions like booking a room, editing customers’ information, checking customers’ details, and checking booked rooms. The program will help you become an expert in file handling and classes.

How to Contribute to Open-source C++ Projects

Open Source is a term that refers to as Open Source Software (OSS) in the world of software. This software is readily available for developers to use, modify, develop, and test further. Users can add or delete software patches per what interests them.

Here are steps on how you can contribute to an open-source C++ Project.

  • Look for where you can find open-source projects on the internet.
  • Register and become a contributor
  • Search for a topic that interests you
  • Check for a trending issue on the project
  • Concentrate and learn through discussions and chats about the project. Make sure to understand the concept very well before you begin.
  • Confirm the particular issue is a legitimate one. Then you are good to go

Best Open Source C++ Projects

There are hundreds of Open Source C++ projects on the internet. You can find C++ coding projects on platforms like GitHub, CodeTriage, UpforGrabs,  Contributor-ninja,  Sourcesort, etc.

When you go on the internet, you will find many open-source C++ projects. However, GitHub remains the best place for developers to find projects of all kinds. The following are some of the best Open Source C++ projects on GitHub to help you choose the best project amidst countless projects.

  • OBS Studio

The OBS Studio is software built for compositing, recording, capturing, streaming video content, encoding without difficulty.  OBS Studio has over thirty thousand stars and more than five hundred issues. The project is equipped with a powerful API enabling plugins and scripts, which provide additional functionality and customization according to what you need.

  • TensorFlow

TensorFlow was created by the Google Brain Team in 2015 and was designed primarily to compute numerics and machine learning. This project enables the user to create simple machine learning models for web, desktop, cloud, and mobile.  With Tensor flow, developers can easily focus on the general basics of the application while the library manages the implementation of background algorithms.

  • GoogleTest

GoogleTest remains the testing model of Google C++. You will find all the information regarding this C++ project on GitHub. There is a long list of all the features and platforms you can use for the project. More than a hundred and twenty-four issues are currently trending in this repo. You have numerous options to select when you start working on this repo. GoogleTest will help you test and develop your programming skills and experiences.

  • RapidJSON

Although the RapidJSON project might look small, for the fact that it supports both DOM style API and SAX, it ticks all the right boxes. RapidJSON is incredibly fast, and you can compare its performance to a simple string function. Everything about its memory usage is friendly.JSON only occupies up to 32bytes depending on the system you are using. You do not need to worry about using external memories because it is header-only and self-contained.

Like GoogleTest, there are over a hundred and twenty-four issues raised and around 50 pull requests on RapidJSON, which makes many people interested in this project.

  • ClickHouse

ClickHouse is an open-sourced database management system. It provides for data report generation almost immediately as they come. You may have to use the external links included in the readme to get information about the features of ClickHouse. You can also contribute to the over one thousand and three hundred significant issues raised on this specific Github page.

Easy C++ Projects

These projects are mini-projects, mainly small applications and games.  They are best suited for beginners who intend to include C++ projects for resumes.

  • Supermarket Billing System
  • Railway Reservation System
  • Student Report Card System
  • Canteen Management Service
  • Pharmacy Management System
  • Bookshop Management Service

Visual Studio Projects ideas

Visual Studio C++ is a programming language version by Microsoft and is used to design different types of software like websites, web services, computer programs, and mobile apps. Below is five Visual Studio  C++ Project ideas list.

  • Car Rental System
  • Helicopter Game
  • Database Management System
  • Fortune Teller
  • Bike Race Game


C++ is currently one of the most used programming languages right now. However, fully understanding the scope may be difficult, especially for beginners. The best way to learn the concepts is to engage in C++ Projects for beginners.

Developers also looking to add to their experience can try any of the listed open-source C++ projects in this article. Open Source Projects will help a beginner upgrade his skills to expert levels quickly.

With all the advantages of the C++ language, there is one visible downside to it. Writing the easiest of C++ code comes with complexity. Projects like Memory management in Java or Python come ready-made, but in C++, you must manually look after any memory components used during the execution of the project.

Therefore, coders and programmers need to have C++ project practice to understand what is required. If you need help with your assignment, our expert writers are here for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some C++ topics for game development?
Your bioethics research paper should include: an interesting topic, a relevant source to support your research, a concise thesis statement, an outline, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Remember to cite your sources and ensure that your points are well-organized.
How can I come up with unique C++ ideas?
You can develop unique C++ ideas by identifying your interest, collaborating with other developers and brainstorming ideas, thinking of a problem that people deal with and how you can use C++ to develop a solution, coming up with something unique, and looking for inspiration from other developers.

Alexa Donne is an exceptional online writer who is skilled and passionate about her work. She creates high-quality content that captivates the readers’ attention and ensures you get the best grade in your research papers and essays.

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