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Why Homework Should Be Banned

Why Homework Should Be Banned

Homework has been a part and parcel of student life for generations now. Homework is the task a teacher assigns to students expecting them to finish the same outside of the classroom. It is an unavoidable aspect of every student’s life. In recent years homework has come under a lot of scrutiny and people are debating over why homework should be banned.

From educationists to parents, and students alike, there is a growing opinion against homework. Some institutions are making efforts to assign not more than 30 minutes of daily homework to students. However, this does not always work and students are often left overburdened. Several educational institutions are considering why kids shouldn’t have homework at all.

Amidst debates on should homework be banned; schools are considering another approach. Teachers are instructed to assign not more than 10 minutes of homework per grade level. This means that a grade 1 student will get only 10 minutes of homework a day while a student in high school is likely to end up with over two hours of homework.

This lack of a logical set of guidelines with respect to homework is leaving students stressed and disgruntled. Many believe that it is high time we shouldn’t have homework.

Should Homework Be Banned?

World over, there are many countries that have banned homework. Finland and Dubai schools have no homework while south Korean schools ensure that their students get only 2.5 hours of homework a week. The US and the UK are seriously debating over should school ban homework. With ambiguity in guidelines and a mixed approach of schools and teachers towards assigning homework, the demand for banning homework completely is gradually picking pace.

Amidst the many reasons why homework should be banned, the ones that stand out include undue stress caused to students. In addition, children are left with no time to pursue hobbies or sports of their choice. To a large extent, they also do not have time to revise what is taught at school or invest time to enhance their subject knowledge. However, these are only a few reasons why homework should be banned. Read on to find out in detail why there should be no homework.

Homework Should Be Banned Facts

Many experts have conducted studies over the decades to find out if homework is really beneficial or should homework be banned in schools. While students and parents want a ban on homework it was important for academicians and even governments to carry out thorough research against homework, in order to find out the reasons, homework should be banned.

Here are some against homework facts, derived from the findings of different studies against homework. Take a look:

  • A recent study was conducted by a Stanford researcher on over 4000 students. These students were from 10 of California’s most high performing schools in upper-middle-class communities.  According to the study’s findings, students spending too much time on homework are bound to experience health problems, stress, alienation from society, and a general lack of balance.
  • The study found too much homework to have counterproductive effects and presented a sound argument on why we shouldn’t have homework.
  • The research further revealed that most students from these top schools were receiving a whopping 3.1 hours of homework on a daily basis.
  • The Stanford study also found that over 56% of students find homework to be a primary cause of stress for them. Many of them confirmed facing sleep deprivation due to excessive homework.
  • Researchers also found that students were missing family events and spending less time with friends and loved ones because of homework.
  • A 2015 Canadian study also found a link between obesity and stress in boys and high levels of homework.
  • A Chinese study of 2010, was able to establish a link between sleep disruption and excessive homework. children who were routinely getting more homework at school were found to have unstable schedules and poor routines. These were clearly the ‘homework should be banned statistics’ because they got the administration wondering if they were harming the children in reality instead of aiding their development.

Banning Homework Pros and Cons

There are several arguments against homework that stress the many reasons why should homework be banned. However, there are some genuine positives to homework as well. This is why schools and government authorities across many countries have not banned homework completely.

It is best to have an insight into the advantages as well as disadvantages of homework to have a better understanding. Given below are some homework should be banned pros and cons. Take a look:

Ban Homework – Pros

  • There is no evidence to prove if homework improves a student’s academic outcome. On the other hand, research has proven that homework can get counterproductive. This is one of the strongest arguments against homework.
  • If homework is banned there are chances of reducing issues of stress and tension in students.
  • Reduced homework would automatically mean students will have more time to spend with friends and family. Homework is known to cause struggle in families.
  • One of the major reasons why students shouldn’t have homework is the impact it has on their health. Besides mental health issues homework also disrupts sleep cycles and as mentioned above, may also lead to obesity in some.
  • The excessive burden of homework reduces the desire to learn in students. Many students lose the will to perform in school activities and may even lose interest to pursue higher studies.
  • Homework leaves no time for hobbies and extra-curricular activities.

Ban Homework – Cons

  • Homework is a way to help teachers observe their students and assess their understanding of the subject. It also reflects a student’s ability to apply classroom knowledge outside of the school.
  • Homework is a less stressful way to allow the teachers to grade the students when compared to quizzes, tests, and examinations.
  • Homework also allows teachers to assess the learning capabilities of their students and identify individual issues.
  • Homework is wonderful for parents to get involved in their child’s academics and school activities. It keeps them abreast of what is happening in class and the way their child is progressing through it. Parents can help children with the homework and also revise the concepts taught at school for reinforcement.
  • Through homework, teachers can encourage students to remain accountable for their academic development and their role in the school. It teaches students to work independently.

Students learn important life lessons of time management and problem-solving skills through homework. It teaches children to get organized, prioritize their time, and maximize productivity within limited means.

Even as schools contemplate why homework should be banned; parents across the world are experiencing the pitfalls of excessive homework in everyday life. Some are signing online petitions asking should homework be banned, while many of them are taking homework help for their children in order to reduce the burden.  It remains to be seen what turn the modern education system takes. However, it will certainly benefit the students if efforts are made to find alternative methods of ensuring enhanced student involvement in the curriculum, instead of just burdening them with homework.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should students not be given excess homework?
Excess homework leaves less time for the students to socialize, revise, and connect with other students, do extracurricular activities, and sleep. There is also unequal access to resources and a need for more engagement.
Is homework really necessary for learning?
Yes, homework is a necessary tool for learning. It can reinforce learning and offer practice to students. However, note that it can sometimes be too overwhelming for students. Students and teachers should discuss the best strategy for everyone to smooth learning.

Alexa Donne is an exceptional online writer who is skilled and passionate about her work. She creates high-quality content that captivates the readers’ attention and ensures you get the best grade in your research papers and essays.

Don't Let Homework Take Over Your Life

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